Sunday, June 15, 2008

When I read the first few lines of this article, I thought that the daughter, marita, had already been found. However, wishful thinking is always far from reality. Although it is sad that marita had not been found, it is great that actions are taken to prevent more girls from being forced into prostitution.

The shadowy world of human trafficking, it sounds cruel and heartless right? I mean, every person has a right. What were the traffickers’ feelings when they kidnapped these people or lure them to do prostitution? Humans are not objects that can be traded or tossed around like battered toys. Reasons may be made for these traffickers from sympathizers, saying that they grew up in a bad environment or they want to seek revenge because the same thing happened to them or even because of the difference in skin tone, one major reason that leads to unfairness, and they just wanted to seek justice. Skin tone, skin tone. Everything still comes down to your race, your language and your skin tone, of course.

I think that it does not matter if you are a black, a white, a Chinese, an Indian or a malay. Humans are humans. They are the same, so what right do we have to force others into doing things even we do not like. Do the traffickers have a conscience? I mean, before they do such things, shouldn’t they think how they would feel if things happened the other way round? What if the person that was kidnapped or forced into prostitution is their own child? Would they still bear to hurt their child? Do they want their child to suffer under the hands of cruelty? I am sure none of them want, unless they are abusers. I am sure everyone wants to do good things, and I believe every religion promotes the same thing.

Going back to the article, it is written that Susana was divorced from her husband eventually, due to the fact that Daniel was unable to understand the obsession with finding their daughter. To this, I feel that it is not surprising at all. In most articles, where finding a loved one or something similiar is involved, couples are usually divorced as both parties cannot understand each other intentions. Although some may say that it is the wrongdoing and obsession of Susana that led to her divorce, I think that most of it is due to daniel’s fault. He did not understand that Susana loved her daughter so much that she was willing to give up anything. I feel that Daniel is one that give up easily after being thwarted many times and just want to get on with life. I think his mindset is that since the event has already happened so long ago, if his daughter cannot be found or has no news whatsoever, she will never be found. Therefore, I think most of us are utterly disappointed in him. As a dad, he should understand Susana’s obsession with finding marita , and should help her with it instead of leaving Susana by herself to find their daughter.

I feel that most of us can feel Susana’s noble motherly love. She is willing to try any underhand means or any means even if she is scared, just to find and protect her daughter and at the same time, to protect other young girls. Therefore, I admire her courage and I hope she will be able to continue to protect other victims. Although some of you may say to Susana to get a life, I feel that she should continue to get on with her life but at the same find her daughter. Another thing, losing a person is not common. Do you have people disappearing and dying around you everyday? Maybe if you are a person with no feelings, maybe you think that it is common to lose your dear ones. But of course, we cannot be trapped in the past.
To conclude, cherish your family and friends.

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