Sunday, June 15, 2008

Jump or Die by John Dyson

Tom Murphy was on his last day of vacation in Les Deux Alpes with his friend, Elliot Garrett and wanted to make the most of it. So he went alone off-piste and soon realized he was lost with no means of contacting others due to the lack of reception on the snowy mountain. He had only two choices: to jump or wait. Thinking he would risk it, he jumped, and survived. Finally getting a signal, he contacted Elliot and cried for help. After finally getting rescued, Tom realized how incredibly lucky he was and vowed never to try that again.

Warning signs are there for a reason and no matter how daring and able you are, there is no reason to ignore them. Ditto, though Tom is a fantastic snowboarder and lived for adrenalin sports, he shouldn’t’ve gone off-piste without even informing his traveling companion. But he’s so lucky that he survived an avalanche and a 90-foot jump. I think he made the right choice in jumping rather than waiting because there was an even slimmer chance that somebody would spot him amidst all that rock and snow than him surviving the jump. I think that if I were in that situation, I’d’ve waited for help, even if I was waiting in vain, because I don’t have Tom’s daring, his nerve or his perseverance. He must have been praying for his life then and feeling extremely anxious. For those who haven’t read this article they should because the moral of this story is: Don’t ignore warning signs. For those who have, learn from it. So after this incident, I’m sure Tom would obey warning signs, refrain from adrenalin sports, cherish his loved ones and do more good deeds. God has given him a second chance in life and he should treasure it.

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