Sunday, June 15, 2008

Loose Nukes

Loose Nukes? Well, this may seem weird as such weapons of mass destruction are highly guarded by the country where it is produced. However, this is rather true as nuclear materials such as fissile are falling into the wrong hands.

Criminals and insiders are stealing these materials from nuclear facilities due to security lapses and selling it to terrorists. This unfortunately strikes fear in the society as there is a growing concern that nuclear terrorism is imminent. With temperatures reaching over a million degrees centigrade, radioactive clouds and gamma rays tearing living cells away, a nuclear attack would undeniably be devastating and the world will never be the same again.

Basically, this article can be epitomized into several crux. Firstly, we see the author narrate to us how an imaginary country, named Brussels, is planted with a nuclear bomb. Subsequently, it went off, massacring lives and collapsing buildings, adjacent to the accident. The story proceeds, by recounting to us of its dire consequences. This includes the cessation of commerce in Brussels, disruption of international trade and the death and incapacitation of thousands of people. This has also resulted to the myriad detrimental effects to the neighbouring countries. Secondly, the author tells us real life examples of countries depreciating disparate countries from dominating nuclear bombs so that the safety of the people will not be compromised. This includes North Korea and Iran. Ultimately, the author admonishes of the threat of terrorism. He said, “With the age of terrorism threatening to become an age of nuclear terrorism, perhaps it’s worth another look; there surely none as great as losing a city”.

I personally believe that we can play our part to fight terrorism. The threat of terrorism has been prevalent in our society. This could be possibly due to the advancement in technology. We have to acknowledge the fact that many terrorists utilize bombs in their attacks. For example, the Bali Bombings, and the Pakistan bombing, which eventuated recently. On our part, we should be more vigilant. This includes taking note of what other people are carrying in the public. Also, we can try to be more solicitous when we notice anything doubtful. Conversely, I deem security personnel should also put in more effort, when it comes to spotting anyone suspicious, so that the safety of the public can be further reinforced. Pondering about future attacks or nabbing the perpetrators are not the top priority. Rather more objectively, the government and the authorities should build up the resilience of the society, through the media and making visits to the families concerned. At the same time, paramedics should also give immediate aid and relief to the affected areas.

In conclusion, we see that there are many detriments concerning the use of nuclear bombs. Radically, the country should also build up their defence well, so that the prospects of such happenings can be greatly minimized. It is substantial, to comprehend that the basic framework of the society itself is fragile. The basic framework I am referring to is the overall resilience of any country. Security measures can be counteractive, but at the same time, it can be unavailing. What matters most is whether a not, the people are willing to take the extra mile; to understand that our society is invariably face by terror attacks, and therefore, staying vigilant at all times.

Indeed, the threat of terrorism is real.

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