Saturday, June 14, 2008


A Peek into the Story:
This inspiring article is about a young man suffering from a rare condition known as dystonia and his breakthrough. Ryan Farrington, 16, has been enduring the excruciating pain of dystonia since he was a mere 6-year old. Sudden fits would arrive without the slightest notice and this disabled Ryan's nerves, crippling him and causing him to scream in agony. Despite all the difficulties he had gone through, Ryan still persevered and together with his family's encouragement, he held on to hope. Finally, through all the pain and suffering, he has found a certain cure to relieve his disease, Running. Ryan now runs as an athlete at the famed Birmingham athletics club Birchfield Harriers.

My views:
After having read this tale about this young man's courage and perseverance throughout his entire suffering, i felt very inspired. From the age of six, ryan has been tortured by this particular disease and he has been enduring this for about 10 years now. I feel that no matter what kind of difficulties a person goes through, a family's support should always be present as that, in my opinion is the stepping stone to finding a cure. Amongst those suffering with illnesses, i feel that Ryan's tale is one of those rare ones that shows people's breakthrough amidst all their setbacks. It is uncommon that at such a young age, suffering from a disease that a person would show such perseverance and possess such a burning spirit like ryan. This article also tells us one thing and that is not everyone is fortunate. As students, we should be appeased by what we have and not wanting for more. We should not take for granted what we have and treasure what we possess. We should set people like Ryan as role models so that we can improve on ourselves. To conclude, i feel that people should treasure the good things that they have in life, especially their family and that they should possess a never-say-die attitude to what they would wish to strive for.

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