Saturday, June 14, 2008

The rise of cyber bullying

Contrary to popular belief, bullying does not only exist physically but also emotionally, through the use of words for example. Cyber bullying may be something which parents are oblivious of when their child are using the internet or may even seemed as some oddities and absurdities. Though internet is a means of getting information and spreading messages to others through breakneck speed, but some of us misused this accessibility.

First of all, the reason behind the rise of cyber bullying does not totally lies on the bully himself, but the victim, parents and school as well. Without saying, the bully should not bully others in the first place. His behavior may be due to peer pressure or even out of boredom and fun. However, one man’s meat is another man’s poison; the victim will ultimately get hurt. Some bullies even go to the extend of sending hurtful rumors around anonymously; hence victims do not even know who to point the finger to when reporting to teachers. Teens like us are especially susceptible to peer’s influence; hence cyber-bullying has gradually become a trend and appears to be cool. Bullying can not only be performed alone, but in groups as well. Perhaps bullies like the thrill feeling after bullying which allow them to feel that others are inferior to them.

In my opinion, victims on the other hand should not be submissive and be fearful of the bullies. Instead, they should stay cool, calm and collected; nothing daunted and report the matter to their teacher or talk to their parents about it. True enough, some may afraid that they may be restricted in using the net after attempts to resolve the problem. However, we should be brave and stand forward to defend ourselves with tenacity to disentangle ourselves from all those misery and discomfort. If they do not do so, I guess it will definitely trouble them and one’s heart will not be in studies.

Friends around should not be naïve and believe in rumors and unconvincing messages around. We should judge people with our own eyes and interpretation. After all, we should not give a dog bad name and hang him, should we?

Parents and teachers should give fullest support to the child and refer them to psychiatrist when necessary . However, some parents and teacher will think that the child is trying to make a mountain out of a molehill and thus ignoring him or her. When a child confront his or her parents and teachers regarding the bullying, it may be a signal to them that he or she is in trouble. Hence the matter should be taken into account seriously as inappropriate dealing will have serious results such as an attempt to suicide as mentioned in the article. As we cannot make a omelette without breaking eggs, parents and teachers should take action be fore it’s too late. Parents and teachers should not only impose corporal punishment on bullies but it is rather crucial to change their mentality instead as we may lead a horse to the water but we cannot make him drink.

To solve the problem, it really requires much cooperation from everyone. Since we cannot make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear, teachers and parents should come out with an all rounded plan to deal with these problem. On the other hand, public awareness is extremely importantly, and professional assistance should be given to parents. These inappropriate behavior should be stopped and prevent them from bringing it to the workings society. Otherwise, it will be too late and we shall be responsible for the consequences and impacts they had brought to the society in failing to stop or at least reduce the number of cyber bullying as I believe that this will continue to occur even they enter the working society.

Lets wish that as we give a theif enough rope, he will hang himself.

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