Sunday, June 15, 2008

Retrain your brain

Often I find it hard to remember daily stuff such as where did I put my wallet or what date it is today? It seems so troublesome to remember every single thing in life without forgetting one or two of them. All these lapses of memory make me look so clumsy and forgetful most of the time.

Recently, I was suppose to meet up with a few of my friends for lunch, I was ready and was about to set off but realize that I cannot find my house key. The feeling is extremely frustrating! I search high and low for it, standing in the middle of the living room thinking where I place it, I tried retracing my memory but I just could not remember where I last put it. After thirty minutes, my friends started calling up; I told them to wait up while I continue searching for my key. Finally I remembered that I usually place my key near to my wallet. Since I found my wallet at the back of my messy drawer, then perhaps the house key is somewhere there. So I went back to my room and search that drawer, and I was right, the house key was there. Whew! It was really hard work.

The tips mention inside this article is very helpful, but to achieve great results might be a little difficult to achieve in a short period of time. Constant individual initiative need to be taken for the first few months before we can do it involuntarily and remember things without thinking of the tips first. It may be too much of a hassle for majority of us to train up our memory in conjunction with our busy lifestyle, furthermore, with technology enhancing, superb memory may not be very necessary as it can be replace by PDA and various other stuff. However, it is better to have great memory, since it is impossible to depend entirely on something beyond your body. We cannot possibly jot down where we place our keys or what day tomorrow will be. Am I right?

Done by: Annabelle Lim(16)

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