Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Loose Nukes

In my opinion, the scenario of such a nuclear disaster is really scary. Right now, we can only live on one planet - Earth, but even one single nuclear explosion can affect the whole Earth. Where would we live in if that happens? Currently, we have not developed technology to live in other planets or the moon.

For most terrorists, they use the jihad concept, which is 'holy war', fought against those who "discriminate" Islam. This concept is brought to them by the Quran, their bible. But how could a Bible promote war and destruction? How serious is their misinterpretation of the Quran? Furthermore, if they use nuclear arms they will not only be hurting those who "discriminate Islam", but they are also hurting innocents and even themselves in the process. I am not saying the whole idea of Jihad is right itself, but even if they want to hurt their "enemies", they should hurt only them, and not others who are innocent. In that case, it is not a holy war anymore, but a massacre.

Nuclear arms could change the fate of the world. In the future, people might actually start to love Earth and protect it, and Earth would be a wonderful place. But this vision might be replaced with a sad picture of destruction and failure of mankind. This can be prevented by increasing the security of the nuclear arms to the maximum, so much so that nobody can access any nuclear weapon of any sort. Also, all sale of nuclear weapons could be prohibited. But could there be another better solution to this?

This problem could be solved forever by one simple solution: Stop producing any more nuclear arms and peacefully dispose of all current nuclear weapons. That is the best solution, and of course, the probability of that happening is less than 0.3. Everyone is paranoid that some other country might attack them with nuclear arms, so they keep some for themselves just in case. If every country is doing that, terrorists will have enough nuclear arms to launch a full-scale war against the world powers. In that case, we would have a destroyed Earth, and also an Earth controlled by terrorist governments. What a terrible scenario that would be.

I think that nuclear technology could be developed towards more peaceful uses, such as nuclear energy for a source of energy, and not nuclear weapons, especially if they pose such a threat. What we can do immediately is to step up security, try to eliminate terrorist threats, and possibly remove nuclear arms in the future. We must protect the place we live in, or the human race will regret their actions forever.

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