Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Rise of Cyber Bullying

Over the recent years, technology has been advancing rapidly, granting increased accessibility and connectivity. However, it appears that some insensible adolescents have misused this to conduct detrimental taunting.

Bullying is, indubitably, an indecent and improper conduct. This is believed to be acknowledged by all, but yet, there has been an increment of bullying cases. This makes me question the moral values of present youngsters. Has the moral obligation of the society degraded? The statistics seems to reveal a disheartening answer.

Cyber bullying is no trivial issue, it can inflict devastating emotional effects on the victim which can push him over the edge. He may suffer from depression, loss of confident and pride. The consequences wrought by cyber bullying, I feel, are more amplified than those inflicted by the conventional variety. This is due to the prevalence of the internet, which allows a sheer number of people to witness the bullying, imposing more shame and emotional effects on the victim. In addition, most cyber bullies choose to remain anonymous, making the victim desperate and impotent when he does not know who to accuse for bullying him. His desperation and confusion may even lead to detrimental psychologic problems. Physical wounds might heal, but such emotional anguish would remain in one’s memory for life, like a scar etched in the heart. They can even continue to inflict emotional problems for the victim when they enter the society in the future.

In my opinion, the main enticement that tempts teens to conduct cyber bullying is the ability to stay anonymous on the net. With the ability to conceal their identity, they could torment their victim and get away with it unpunished. This gives them a sense of thrill and satisfaction. Posteriorly, they might get increasingly audacious, amplifying their bullying as a result. Disserving others but staying anonymous. It is disappointing to know that present teenagers are so unscrupulous even when they are cause harm to others. This again reflects on the moral obligation of the society.

I believe that the best solution to minimize the cases of this disturbing society problem to raise awareness of the detrimental effects of cyber bullying. Only then would bullies think twice before disserving others. Parents and teachers can learn to deal with problems on cyber bullying and render assistance to victims when necessary. Other plausible solution is to introduce recording of identities of members to online portals and new websites, so as to prevent online users from misusing the option to stay anonymous to bully unbridledly.

I feel a sense of disapprobation towards these bullies, they should spare a thought for these victims and attempt standing in their shoes. Some of them are even doing this just for a moment of fun and thrill. I really feel sorry for these victims. I hope these cyber bullies would stop their insensible and relentless conduct.

Goh Chian Yee(8) 3I

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