Monday, June 30, 2008

The Science of Sleep

Sleep means resting our mind or body. After a long day of working, studying, or even playing,we sleep to get enough rest, to refresh ourselves. Sleep is not just important to babies but most importantly, for the school kids. When we are studying, we used our brains and eyes, hence, by getting enough sleep, we can prepare ourselves for the next tiring day. Sleep also help students or worker to deal with social stresses and pressures of a busy environment. It is also essential for growing brains.

Sleeping can decide a person's attitude in the day, for example, a person who slept only few hours will have a bad temper and poor judgement. This can be dangerous as one may involve in an accident if he or she do not have enough sleep. in addition, when you are studying, you will not be able to focus on what teacher is teaching, leading to poor results.

However, kids or teenagers in the current world seems to hate sleeping or have difficulties in falling asleep. Research has shown that playing or using too much of computer,television etc will lead to detest of sleep. These electronic devices will cause people to be awake and difficult in sleeping, therefore, the kids or teenagers will have problems in studying in the day as they did not get enough sleep.

Problem comes with solution, to 'save' the people from this 'detest sleep disease', what can be done is to let them refrain from using too much of electronic devices. Nevertheless, campaign should be held to let them know the consequences of 'few hours sleep'.

Sleeping is good, but not too good if we sleep all time. We must work in the day and sleep in the night. Hope those who read my reflection can have a better understanding of SLEEP.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Rise of Cyber Bullying

Over the recent years, technology has been advancing rapidly, granting increased accessibility and connectivity. However, it appears that some insensible adolescents have misused this to conduct detrimental taunting.

Bullying is, indubitably, an indecent and improper conduct. This is believed to be acknowledged by all, but yet, there has been an increment of bullying cases. This makes me question the moral values of present youngsters. Has the moral obligation of the society degraded? The statistics seems to reveal a disheartening answer.

Cyber bullying is no trivial issue, it can inflict devastating emotional effects on the victim which can push him over the edge. He may suffer from depression, loss of confident and pride. The consequences wrought by cyber bullying, I feel, are more amplified than those inflicted by the conventional variety. This is due to the prevalence of the internet, which allows a sheer number of people to witness the bullying, imposing more shame and emotional effects on the victim. In addition, most cyber bullies choose to remain anonymous, making the victim desperate and impotent when he does not know who to accuse for bullying him. His desperation and confusion may even lead to detrimental psychologic problems. Physical wounds might heal, but such emotional anguish would remain in one’s memory for life, like a scar etched in the heart. They can even continue to inflict emotional problems for the victim when they enter the society in the future.

In my opinion, the main enticement that tempts teens to conduct cyber bullying is the ability to stay anonymous on the net. With the ability to conceal their identity, they could torment their victim and get away with it unpunished. This gives them a sense of thrill and satisfaction. Posteriorly, they might get increasingly audacious, amplifying their bullying as a result. Disserving others but staying anonymous. It is disappointing to know that present teenagers are so unscrupulous even when they are cause harm to others. This again reflects on the moral obligation of the society.

I believe that the best solution to minimize the cases of this disturbing society problem to raise awareness of the detrimental effects of cyber bullying. Only then would bullies think twice before disserving others. Parents and teachers can learn to deal with problems on cyber bullying and render assistance to victims when necessary. Other plausible solution is to introduce recording of identities of members to online portals and new websites, so as to prevent online users from misusing the option to stay anonymous to bully unbridledly.

I feel a sense of disapprobation towards these bullies, they should spare a thought for these victims and attempt standing in their shoes. Some of them are even doing this just for a moment of fun and thrill. I really feel sorry for these victims. I hope these cyber bullies would stop their insensible and relentless conduct.

Goh Chian Yee(8) 3I

Loose Nukes

In my opinion, the scenario of such a nuclear disaster is really scary. Right now, we can only live on one planet - Earth, but even one single nuclear explosion can affect the whole Earth. Where would we live in if that happens? Currently, we have not developed technology to live in other planets or the moon.

For most terrorists, they use the jihad concept, which is 'holy war', fought against those who "discriminate" Islam. This concept is brought to them by the Quran, their bible. But how could a Bible promote war and destruction? How serious is their misinterpretation of the Quran? Furthermore, if they use nuclear arms they will not only be hurting those who "discriminate Islam", but they are also hurting innocents and even themselves in the process. I am not saying the whole idea of Jihad is right itself, but even if they want to hurt their "enemies", they should hurt only them, and not others who are innocent. In that case, it is not a holy war anymore, but a massacre.

Nuclear arms could change the fate of the world. In the future, people might actually start to love Earth and protect it, and Earth would be a wonderful place. But this vision might be replaced with a sad picture of destruction and failure of mankind. This can be prevented by increasing the security of the nuclear arms to the maximum, so much so that nobody can access any nuclear weapon of any sort. Also, all sale of nuclear weapons could be prohibited. But could there be another better solution to this?

This problem could be solved forever by one simple solution: Stop producing any more nuclear arms and peacefully dispose of all current nuclear weapons. That is the best solution, and of course, the probability of that happening is less than 0.3. Everyone is paranoid that some other country might attack them with nuclear arms, so they keep some for themselves just in case. If every country is doing that, terrorists will have enough nuclear arms to launch a full-scale war against the world powers. In that case, we would have a destroyed Earth, and also an Earth controlled by terrorist governments. What a terrible scenario that would be.

I think that nuclear technology could be developed towards more peaceful uses, such as nuclear energy for a source of energy, and not nuclear weapons, especially if they pose such a threat. What we can do immediately is to step up security, try to eliminate terrorist threats, and possibly remove nuclear arms in the future. We must protect the place we live in, or the human race will regret their actions forever.

Anita Bartholomew: Dead of Night

As I’ve turned to page 120 of the Reader’s Digest magazine, no doubt the first thing that caught my eye was the magnificent and yet elegant house. However, later as I lowered my gaze, what actually gained my attention was the heading, ‘Dead of Night’. Who would expect anything terrible to happen that night behind the facade of the seemingly peaceful house?

True indeed, there was an invasion in Robert’s home, or perhaps, more than that. Many things had happened while everyone else in the neighbourhood was asleep, including the intense struggle between the drug addict Miller and the man of the Mandziara family so that the latter could finally run to safety after his wife, Ana. Not only that, in order to protect his two other children who were still sleeping, Robert sacrificed his life by turning back to danger although he had already escaped from Miller’s hands, which was certainly not an easy task. Since I have mentioned, it is this point that makes the moral of the story – family is always the top priority of life. I thus admire his placing of his loved ones before himself at all times, even before the incident happened, which probably is just the chance to prove what he promised Ana, that he would always ensure the safety of the family. Well, having experienced such a life-threatening event, the Mandziaras must have formed a stronger bond; so, are they considered lucky to be able to realise the importance of one another through this incident, or are they not?

Anyway, it is indubitable that crime is rife in many societies. For instance in this case, Miller was high on the drug methamphetamine that caused him to exhibit all its worst effects, producing a dangerous mixture of euphoria, paranoia, irritability and aggression. This thus explains his almost unbeatable strength during the long struggle between the two men. Because of the drug, it took his life away and ruined his future, leaving a bad record that can never be removed. It is this drug, comparable to a suicide pill that can conquer the body, which created the commotion, indirectly. If it had not been his craze over the killer drug, this would never have happened. But since he was apprehended by the cops due to the seamless plan that Robert and his neighbour, Dale, had made, all I hope for is that as the days ensued, he would no longer be tied to a life turned upside down by a drug and that, he would start afresh to be a decent man in spite of a bad record.

Certainly, what happened must have become a nightmare for the Mandziaras. But having overcome a big obstacle in life, it undoubtedly shows the love they possess in one another, and also the courage and quick-witted minds in the couple to ensure the family’s survival. Not forgetting Dale, a former police officer, he had helped much in bringing things to an end by sacrificing his life to approach the thief unaccompanied. In my opinion, the family is really fortunate to have an experienced police officer nearby who can be of help in such situations.

Despite having a happy family myself, I am envious of the five who apparently stay as one at all times. Now I understand how strong bonds and deep love within a family can unite as a powerful strength to overcome any obstacle getting in way.


The Rise Of Cyber Bullying

Internet usage by people has increased, which means to say, there is also a rise in cyber bullying. Online bullying includes the sending of threatening messages, displaying private messagesand posting embarrassing video footages and photos on the internet. Cyber bullying can also come in the form of games. Cyber bullying is a relentless attack. It can happen to anybody, like children, teenagers, adults, celebrities or even teachers. Online communication encourage people to act aggressively, thus, they can do things they would not dare to do in real life. This is beacause the online bullies can choose to stay anonymous. The lack of face-to-face contact might tempt the bullies to new levels of cruelty.

The cyber bullying situation in Asia is rampant. In Singapore, 80 cases were reported last year. This is very unsightly. There are more cases in the United States. Cyber bullies tend to think that cyber bullying is a very common issue and they would not have thought of the severe consequences that the victims face. Some of the victims committed suicide and some even fall into serious depression. Just like Ryan Halligan's case, he was taunted for months. His classmates spread rumors via the instant messaging that the 13-year-old boy was a gay. Unable to cope, he killed himself. Even numerous mysterious calls can also lead to the death of a victim. This is no joking matter. It is extremely devastating to see that teenagers as young as 13 taking their own life because they are being cyber bullied. Even celebrities are facing such undiserable problems- Jeong Da-Bin committed suicide after receving scandals from the public.

In my opinion, I feel that cyber bullying is a very serious problem now. It will just bring harm to more people. I abhor the cyber bullies as they are the most unrealistic and cruel people. They have not thought twice before bullying their friends. Their friends are also human beings and they have feelings. The bullies have also not considered that they are also hurting others like the victim's family members. What if, the bullies were the ones who get bullied? Having to taste their own medicine, i believe that they will not be able to tolerate the insulting remarks from others. I personally feel that parents should control their chindren over the usage of the computer and also to keep in track what the kids are doing. This may probably help to reduce the cases of cyber bullying. In conclusion, I feel that there should be peace and harmony between people and everyone should think twice before they decide to do anything.

Alicia (1)

Monday, June 16, 2008

A Healing Fire

Reflection- A Healing Fire

Act II, Sc. III

O God, that men should put an enemy in their mouths to steal away their brains!
- Othello

Through the centuries, most revenge tragedies share some basic elements: a play within a play, mad scenes, a vengeful ghost, one or several gory scenes, and, most importantly, a central character who has a serious grievance against a formidable opponent. However, ‘A Healing Fire’- a supposedly revenge tragedy from the beginning does not end quite like the blood, insanity or neither persecution we expected. It is a twist from the perceptible aftermath of vengeance and revenge with the aid of the mightiest sword of forgiveness. This article tells the heart rending story of Sokreaksa Himm, whose hapless encounter with the then Khmer Rouge rendered most of his family members dead. Brutally dead. Perhaps it is god’s will that he survived the ordeal. As he watched helplessly the emaciated bodies of his kin, he made a burning vow of vengeance.
I would say the raging desire to avenge his beloved family has put him into a good stead of life, because of this pure hatred; it motivated him to start a new life all over again, eventually joining the police force. However, he was soon struggling with his inner self; he could not bring himself to kill his enemies even if opportunities present themselves. Well, this was the pivotal point, his struggle does not deem his incapability but it highlighted that he has a sane mind, a mind that weighed the consequences of revenge and what exactly does revenge helps to lift the trauma out of those damned recesses. He devoted himself into a series of Christian meetings in camps, relieving himself of the suppression, denial that once filled his life.

Like what Mahatma Gandhi said before, ‘The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.’ He was a man of strength; no many man of today could endure the massacre of one’s family and live to retell the harrowing tale and embarked on an intrepid journey of forgiveness. Furthermore, he willed himself to approach the Khmer Rouge who had killed his family in order to help the Cambodians there to overcome the emotional scars inflicted by the period of bedlam caused by the Khmer Rouge. Instead of seizing the chance for revenge, he has devoted himself as a doctor to heal the wound in the souls. In addition, he eventually managed to confront the killers’ and to tell them that he has forgiven them and had came to relieve them of their current sufferings. ‘Cleansing the wound is necessary for the healing processes All in all, he was not just a man of strength, and he is a believer of himself, the undying love in humankind and also the power of forgiveness. He did not welcome his succumb to despair, he strived hard to sought a new life and conquer the monsters in his life to allow him a chance, a new chance to lead his life more meaningfully not just full of hatred but of love and forgiveness. Furthermore, it all depends on our will to break away from the cycle of vengeance or we will just be the pawns of fate continuing a cycle of vengeance that would carry on for generations and generations. It is never ending and it is exhausting. Humans are born to love one another, so hating is an unnatural process and it kills our brain cells.

In conclusion, it is not just enough to read these poignant tales of heroes and heroines from reader digest. I cannot help but to admit Singaporeans do not really understand what is it to forgive and forget, and how overwhelming wonders forgiveness does to their souls. Thus, youths of Singapore shall create the opportunities for themselves by exposing themselves to the different facets of life by our fellow men in order to fully appreciate the bed of roses we are sleeping on now, the silver spoon that seemed forever in our mouths. Besides, a little bit of thorns does not hurt at all.

‘Hamlet stabs Claudius and forces him to drink the poisoned wine. The revenge plot is thus concluded. Hamlet himself then dies from the wound received during the fight with Laertes ‘

And last but not least, nobody love sad endings.

Teehee , Tan Sally(23)

Sunday, June 15, 2008

jump or die by john dyson

This article is about a man by the name of Tom Murphy being trapped on a snow-covered mountain. He had gone to snowboard when he went into a blocked zone at the mountain. Ignoring the warnings,he continued down the slope, thinking that the warnings only made it fun. However, along the way, he got lost. he stopped, only to be caught in an avalanche. He survived the hundreds of yards the avalanche had carried him. Unable to contact anybody as there was no signal, he decided to go down a steep cliff to the road below. He jumped. Bruised but was alright. Before fighting the decision to jump or die, he left a farewell message in his phone. He jumped and fell into snow that managed to cushion his fall. After another fall, he was injured but alive. He tried to wave to the passing cars but none noticed him. He then left another message in his phone. The messages were sent out when there was a signal. He notified his friend of his plight and was rescued soon after.

I think that Tom was really brave. having to decide between a jump that might kill him or sitting and waiting for people to rescue him where he could not be seen is not something that everyone is capable of doing. His determination to live and be rescued is very admirable. Although he had a few brushes with death, he took the risk and survived. He was able to keep calm and think. Although he was brave in this situation, i feel that it was his fault that he was in this plight in the first place. Firstly, he did not tell anybody where he was going. also, he was not supposed to go through the blocked area but still did. I feel that we all should be well-prepared before we go on to dangerous adventures such as this. I hope that there will not be many of those who like Tom, disobeyed the warnings and carried on by himself, taking every risk.


Loose Nukes

Loose Nukes? Well, this may seem weird as such weapons of mass destruction are highly guarded by the country where it is produced. However, this is rather true as nuclear materials such as fissile are falling into the wrong hands.

Criminals and insiders are stealing these materials from nuclear facilities due to security lapses and selling it to terrorists. This unfortunately strikes fear in the society as there is a growing concern that nuclear terrorism is imminent. With temperatures reaching over a million degrees centigrade, radioactive clouds and gamma rays tearing living cells away, a nuclear attack would undeniably be devastating and the world will never be the same again.

Basically, this article can be epitomized into several crux. Firstly, we see the author narrate to us how an imaginary country, named Brussels, is planted with a nuclear bomb. Subsequently, it went off, massacring lives and collapsing buildings, adjacent to the accident. The story proceeds, by recounting to us of its dire consequences. This includes the cessation of commerce in Brussels, disruption of international trade and the death and incapacitation of thousands of people. This has also resulted to the myriad detrimental effects to the neighbouring countries. Secondly, the author tells us real life examples of countries depreciating disparate countries from dominating nuclear bombs so that the safety of the people will not be compromised. This includes North Korea and Iran. Ultimately, the author admonishes of the threat of terrorism. He said, “With the age of terrorism threatening to become an age of nuclear terrorism, perhaps it’s worth another look; there surely none as great as losing a city”.

I personally believe that we can play our part to fight terrorism. The threat of terrorism has been prevalent in our society. This could be possibly due to the advancement in technology. We have to acknowledge the fact that many terrorists utilize bombs in their attacks. For example, the Bali Bombings, and the Pakistan bombing, which eventuated recently. On our part, we should be more vigilant. This includes taking note of what other people are carrying in the public. Also, we can try to be more solicitous when we notice anything doubtful. Conversely, I deem security personnel should also put in more effort, when it comes to spotting anyone suspicious, so that the safety of the public can be further reinforced. Pondering about future attacks or nabbing the perpetrators are not the top priority. Rather more objectively, the government and the authorities should build up the resilience of the society, through the media and making visits to the families concerned. At the same time, paramedics should also give immediate aid and relief to the affected areas.

In conclusion, we see that there are many detriments concerning the use of nuclear bombs. Radically, the country should also build up their defence well, so that the prospects of such happenings can be greatly minimized. It is substantial, to comprehend that the basic framework of the society itself is fragile. The basic framework I am referring to is the overall resilience of any country. Security measures can be counteractive, but at the same time, it can be unavailing. What matters most is whether a not, the people are willing to take the extra mile; to understand that our society is invariably face by terror attacks, and therefore, staying vigilant at all times.

Indeed, the threat of terrorism is real.

A Healing Fire

The article revolves around the journey sokreaksa himm took to forgive the people who killed his family. Sokreaksa was only eleven years old when he watches helplessly as the chlops wiped out most of his family. Fortunately, he escaped death and moved to Canada, after twenty-five years he returns to Cambodia to seek forgiveness and to forgive.

As I read the first part of the story, which describe the agony of watching his siblings and parents wither away in front of him as he helplessly hides in the forest; I was outrage at the fact how inhuman the chlops could be. I will not deny that I hope retribution will draw upon those murders and they were unforgivable for what they did. The chlops killed people mercilessly and they should be put to the chair. At the same time, my heart went out to sokreaksa, to lose his whole family at such a young age was undeniably a painful ordeal of him. It was astonishing that he still had the will to continue living after witnessing such tragedy. I have felt the pain of losing a family member before and it still haunts me, and I admire him for being so strong and unwavering, striving to improve his life and to keep to his promise of avenging his family.

As the story develops, Sokreaksa was controlled by his unfulfilled promise to avenge his family, and it haunted him until he decided the only way through was to forgive the murders who killed his family. At first, I was confused by what he was trying to bring across, but after that I realised that forgiveness was the only way to set ones heart free. The only way to be free was to face the murders and to forgive them. I feel that his act of forgiveness demonstrated more than a forgiving heart. He has also demonstrated courage, in facing the murders and facing the guilt of not avenging his family. The road to forgiveness was a herculean one, yet his determination overcome all odds and help him put down his gun and to help set them free. It was a very magnanimous gesture and one that really made me respected him. He is able to forgive which is something I could never do if it was me. I feel that he had really put many people including me to shame, despite his plight he face the problem head on, he could have stayed in Canada which many might do, yet he wanted to face the murders and put the unresolved matter to rest. In the end, I feel that it was a win-win situation as he and the murders could finally put their minds at ease. The murders have received a second chance to repent and sokreaksa can finally start healing for the lost of his family.

"The Rise Of Cyberbulling" - Lim Qi Xiang

"The rise of cyberbullying"

There are many people on the net, you cannot know that they are good, bad, easily provoked or simply pure evil. There are also some very sensitive people on the net. One may not know that they are actually harrasing somebody, one may have a slip of the tongue, or is just insensitive and utter an offensive comment, this may cause some harm to the person and may push them over the edge. You may be just joking, but on the net, you would not really know what the other persons is really feeling.

I have noticed some forms of cyberbullying online. Sometimes it is quite common in online MMOs (Massive Multiplayer Online Games). If one's skills are better than another's, they may call him "noob" and harrass him. Sometimes uttering racist comments, vulgarities and profanities. Most people will try to intervene and try to help the victim. However, once i noticed that a group of people are harrasing a single person. One or two tried to intervene but to no avail. The victim was helpless and eventually stepped down and logged out. At another time, I noticed that a player was spouting racist comments online in a "shout" box. This infuruated alot of people and caused alot of arguement.

I have never experinced such serious cyberbullying, and i will not know how the victims felt. However, there's always sometime the victim could do to stop the harrasment. One could always reach for the mute button.

Gut Feeling

My reason for choosing this article is due to something in which i would like to highlight to each and everyone of you:"Life is precious, treasure it. Every human being is only given a chance to live."
In this article, Lynn Sherr a reporter, suffers an acute pain in her gut and she was diagnosed with appendicitis. However, this lady felt that the diagnosis was not right, instead it should be cancer. This article also mentioned her indirectly fearing death as she knows that colon cancer or colorectal cancer can lead to death;she wanted to turn back the clock, making everything the way it was before. She wanted to be a normal person living a normal life. Yes, I can understand her feelings at that point of time. It's the usual "HUH?!" reaction observed from most of us after finding out that we are actually suffering from a particular illness, and it might not necessarily be a major illness. We have to admit that everyone in the world fears death. Yes death, why so?

I am certain that majority of us have ever thought of this question: "Where does death lead to?" There are certainly many answers to this question, depending on each and every one, our religions, their beliefs. For example: For the Taoist, we believe that there is actually a classification in which the so-called 'good' people will fall to the "heaven" category, while the 'bad' people will fall to the "hell" category. This answer is neither wrong nor right.
There are no scientific provings of where we would end up after our deaths. Basically, what i am trying to point out is that, YES although we do not know where death leads us to, it is still certain that after a certain age, when it is time for us to go, we will. And before its our time to "go", why not treasure every moment every day, doing what you want to do, because you are never sure of what is going to happen the next day. From here, i would like to share my own experience, the person dearest to me leaving me all of a sudden without any notice. Yes, she watched me grow up since i was a baby. Left me when I was 14. I was still chatting her on a saturday night, a seemingly healthy adult for her age. Nothing was wrong till few hours later, where she complained of numbness, and not being able to move. The words that came out of her mouth wasn't arranged into proper sentence. It was already 12 midnight. My parents and I admitted her to Tan Tock Seng, we then found out that she was suffering from brain haemorrhage. By the time she was admitted, she became unconscious. Her heart was beating slower and slower by the second. From then, I just realised how crucial time was, how important it is to treasure ourselves.
For the case of Lynn Sherr, it is really heartening to hear that she is considered a normal person again although there is still a risk of recurrence.

From this article, I would like to highlight something from the article, the part in which she went for chemotherapy the first time. She started feeling sustained as mentioned after seeing people, be it, man or woman, without hair, without limbs. There, was just a peaceful environment, everyone smiled "the tolerant and knowing smile of experience". Yes, i felt that it was a great opportunity for lady Lynn Sherr to get to experience and to soothe her, comforting her that she's not the only one in the world who has cancer, she is not alone. There are other people and their health conditions might be more life-threatening than hers. To me, i feel that she gets to understand that life is definitely unfair, not perfect and never predictable. From this, I feel that she will treasure it more and more. This making her life valuable, priceless...

To all cancer patients: "Be strong! Live life to the fullest!"


The Perks of Service, Jean Yee

Jason Araghi is the founder of Araghi's Green Beans Coffee Worldcafe. The uniqueness about his company is that his cafes can be found in war zones, including base of military camps. His customers are mainly US military soldiers. To them, Araghi's cafes provide them with a moment of tranquility where they can relax and unwind, with the familiar taste of espresso that takes them back home. In order to accomodate the shifting military deployments, Araghi has made his shops mobile - to have his cafes in huge containers which can be transported by a truck. It was risky for the staffs as well, as containers may be targets of gunshots from time to time. Although it was apprehensive and costly to ship the containers, Araghi never relinquished any chance of opening another cafe at another military base.

I think Araghi is dauntless as he never stopped providing coffee to the US military soldiers despite knowing the multiple risks involved in this business. Because of his boldness, he is able to reach out and provide a retreat for worn-out soldiers after their shift. In my opinion, he is not just a millionaire but a selfless man who makes difference in many people's lives by giving warmth and comfort through his business. His cafes remind the soldiers of their family waiting for their return at their homeland, boosting their morale, spurring them on. His staffs are worth mentioning for their loyalty and courage. Hardly anyone these days are able to leave their country and family just for a job that serves coffee to soldiers in remote areas, even though the job is very rewarding. This is a testimony of some very fulfilling jobs. It must feel good to be able to give something to the society while earning our own keep. Araghi is an inspiration to many.

Retrain your brain

Often I find it hard to remember daily stuff such as where did I put my wallet or what date it is today? It seems so troublesome to remember every single thing in life without forgetting one or two of them. All these lapses of memory make me look so clumsy and forgetful most of the time.

Recently, I was suppose to meet up with a few of my friends for lunch, I was ready and was about to set off but realize that I cannot find my house key. The feeling is extremely frustrating! I search high and low for it, standing in the middle of the living room thinking where I place it, I tried retracing my memory but I just could not remember where I last put it. After thirty minutes, my friends started calling up; I told them to wait up while I continue searching for my key. Finally I remembered that I usually place my key near to my wallet. Since I found my wallet at the back of my messy drawer, then perhaps the house key is somewhere there. So I went back to my room and search that drawer, and I was right, the house key was there. Whew! It was really hard work.

The tips mention inside this article is very helpful, but to achieve great results might be a little difficult to achieve in a short period of time. Constant individual initiative need to be taken for the first few months before we can do it involuntarily and remember things without thinking of the tips first. It may be too much of a hassle for majority of us to train up our memory in conjunction with our busy lifestyle, furthermore, with technology enhancing, superb memory may not be very necessary as it can be replace by PDA and various other stuff. However, it is better to have great memory, since it is impossible to depend entirely on something beyond your body. We cannot possibly jot down where we place our keys or what day tomorrow will be. Am I right?

Done by: Annabelle Lim(16)

The Perks Of Service. Ian

This article is about the owner of the Green Beans Coffee Worldcafe company who braves the obstacles of war in the Middle East just to reach his cafe set up right smack in between the warzone.This man is Jason Araghi. Many may ask why would he brave such dangerous terrains just to serve a cup of coffee on the counter? Well the reason is that Mr Araghi wants to provide the best service possible for the soldiers who he serves coffee to.
It all started after he had set up a clinic in Saudi Arabia when one of his patients, a Saudi princess offered him the job of opening an American-style coffee cafe in a furniture showroom she owned. With the help of his brother, they started selling coffee to the locals. Soon military personnels were flocking into his cafe eager to savour the taste of his coffee. As the war pushed deeper into the heartlands, troops moved and so did the cafe. Presently, they own a thriving business worth 20.8 million with 68 outlets mostly at military base camps. However, risks have to be taken, machinary have to be transported and Mr Araghi has to do the transporting. the cafe in the warzone is mobile therefore street fighting may occur just metres away from the cafe.
It is so dangerous that many of his staff are wearing body armour as they serve coffee. To Mr Araghi, this is more than just a business venture, it is a service that sees soldiers satisfied everytime they take a sip of his coffee and are reminded of home. I feel that the dedication of this man to provide good service even in the face of danger is astounding. Mr Araghi has shown to the world what good service is all about. I believe that his business success is hard earned and he has put his life on the line to provide the only form of condolences and shelter to these military troops.
I admire his determination to continue his services to the military troops in the warzone. Mr Araghi belives that he is keeping his word by following the troops into hostile territory. I hope that he will continue this outstanding contribution. His company motto "Honour first, Coffee second" clearly underlines his commitment for his cause and the importance he places on keeping his word. In the war that rages on the far side of the world, Mr Araghi's example is a shining becon of rest and zen to the battle hardy soldiers of America and perhaps the best example of what good service is really about.
oops. sorry. the title is 'searching for marita'.
When I read the first few lines of this article, I thought that the daughter, marita, had already been found. However, wishful thinking is always far from reality. Although it is sad that marita had not been found, it is great that actions are taken to prevent more girls from being forced into prostitution.

The shadowy world of human trafficking, it sounds cruel and heartless right? I mean, every person has a right. What were the traffickers’ feelings when they kidnapped these people or lure them to do prostitution? Humans are not objects that can be traded or tossed around like battered toys. Reasons may be made for these traffickers from sympathizers, saying that they grew up in a bad environment or they want to seek revenge because the same thing happened to them or even because of the difference in skin tone, one major reason that leads to unfairness, and they just wanted to seek justice. Skin tone, skin tone. Everything still comes down to your race, your language and your skin tone, of course.

I think that it does not matter if you are a black, a white, a Chinese, an Indian or a malay. Humans are humans. They are the same, so what right do we have to force others into doing things even we do not like. Do the traffickers have a conscience? I mean, before they do such things, shouldn’t they think how they would feel if things happened the other way round? What if the person that was kidnapped or forced into prostitution is their own child? Would they still bear to hurt their child? Do they want their child to suffer under the hands of cruelty? I am sure none of them want, unless they are abusers. I am sure everyone wants to do good things, and I believe every religion promotes the same thing.

Going back to the article, it is written that Susana was divorced from her husband eventually, due to the fact that Daniel was unable to understand the obsession with finding their daughter. To this, I feel that it is not surprising at all. In most articles, where finding a loved one or something similiar is involved, couples are usually divorced as both parties cannot understand each other intentions. Although some may say that it is the wrongdoing and obsession of Susana that led to her divorce, I think that most of it is due to daniel’s fault. He did not understand that Susana loved her daughter so much that she was willing to give up anything. I feel that Daniel is one that give up easily after being thwarted many times and just want to get on with life. I think his mindset is that since the event has already happened so long ago, if his daughter cannot be found or has no news whatsoever, she will never be found. Therefore, I think most of us are utterly disappointed in him. As a dad, he should understand Susana’s obsession with finding marita , and should help her with it instead of leaving Susana by herself to find their daughter.

I feel that most of us can feel Susana’s noble motherly love. She is willing to try any underhand means or any means even if she is scared, just to find and protect her daughter and at the same time, to protect other young girls. Therefore, I admire her courage and I hope she will be able to continue to protect other victims. Although some of you may say to Susana to get a life, I feel that she should continue to get on with her life but at the same find her daughter. Another thing, losing a person is not common. Do you have people disappearing and dying around you everyday? Maybe if you are a person with no feelings, maybe you think that it is common to lose your dear ones. But of course, we cannot be trapped in the past.
To conclude, cherish your family and friends.

The Science Of Sleeping

Sleep is a natural state of bodily rest observed throughout all living things. In humans, other mammals, and a substantial majority of other animals which have been studied, regular sleep is essential for survival. However its purposes are only partly clear and are the subject of intense research. As mentioned in the article, the importance of sleeping does not end when a baby grows out of the cot. It is vital for school-aged children. A good night sleep helps kids deal with the social stresses and pressures of a busy school environment and also promotes learning. On the other hand, a child with insufficent sleep would have trouble concentrating during lesson and hence, fail to understand what the teacher might have been trying to explain or teach.

Sleep is also essential for the growth of brain. Sleep debt is the effect of not getting enough rest and sleep; a large debt causes mental and physical fatigue. Scientists do not agree on how much sleep debt it is possible to accumulate, nor on whether the prevalence of sleep debt among adults has changed appreciably in the industrialized world in recent decades. Children nowadays often have not enough sleep. Why is this so? Today, as technology is advanced, there are more and more distractions to keep them awake and out of bed for longer. Television, internet, talking on the telephone and playing video games all compete for their bedtime attention.

Sleeping also affects one's rate of regeneration. Wound healing has been shown to be affected by sleep. In 2004, a test conducted by Gumustekin et al shows that sleep deprivation hindering the healing of burns on rats. It has also been shown that sleep deprivation affects the immune system and metabolism. Rats were deprived of sleep for 24 hours. When compared with a control group, the sleep-deprived rats' blood tests indicated a twenty percent decrease in white blood cell count, a significant change in the immune system.

All in all, i feel that sleeping is an important part of our whole life time. Consider that we sleep eight hours per day thoughout our whole life time. By the age of seventy-five, we would have slept for the time equilavent to 25 years! So the teachers cannot really blame us for dozing off in class sometimes.

Jump or Die by John Dyson

Tom Murphy was on his last day of vacation in Les Deux Alpes with his friend, Elliot Garrett and wanted to make the most of it. So he went alone off-piste and soon realized he was lost with no means of contacting others due to the lack of reception on the snowy mountain. He had only two choices: to jump or wait. Thinking he would risk it, he jumped, and survived. Finally getting a signal, he contacted Elliot and cried for help. After finally getting rescued, Tom realized how incredibly lucky he was and vowed never to try that again.

Warning signs are there for a reason and no matter how daring and able you are, there is no reason to ignore them. Ditto, though Tom is a fantastic snowboarder and lived for adrenalin sports, he shouldn’t’ve gone off-piste without even informing his traveling companion. But he’s so lucky that he survived an avalanche and a 90-foot jump. I think he made the right choice in jumping rather than waiting because there was an even slimmer chance that somebody would spot him amidst all that rock and snow than him surviving the jump. I think that if I were in that situation, I’d’ve waited for help, even if I was waiting in vain, because I don’t have Tom’s daring, his nerve or his perseverance. He must have been praying for his life then and feeling extremely anxious. For those who haven’t read this article they should because the moral of this story is: Don’t ignore warning signs. For those who have, learn from it. So after this incident, I’m sure Tom would obey warning signs, refrain from adrenalin sports, cherish his loved ones and do more good deeds. God has given him a second chance in life and he should treasure it.

"I Hunted Down the Woman who Stole my Life"

Karen was just a normal person like you and I. However, something happened five months ago that caused her bad dream to begin. Her ID(Identity card) had been stolen by a woman, who is believed to be 180 centimetres tall and was called Maria Nelson. This incorrigible woman had done something which cannot be forgiven. She caused Karen to suffer both physically and mentally for at least five months.

While some of us may think that identity card is not as important as it is but let me tell you, it is not. Due to her identity card being stolen, Maria Nelson made use of Karen' name as printed in her identity card to create numerous debit cards. Her account had also been drained, meaning that all these years, her hard-earned money were all gone. Besides that, Karen' house mailbox had been opened without her knowing that. Upon seeing the opened mailbox, she knew that her debit cards PINs were all known by others. Being desperate, she tried all means to find Maria Nelson.

Does anyone of us think that we would land in the same state as Karen? Reading this article may not really make us understand Karen's feeling but when we really experienced the situation Karen is in now, we would know that the kind of feeling is abhorrent.

In my opinion, Karen should be more careful in handling her identity card, maybe putting it in her wallet with a zip to prevent her identity card from falling out. If she really wanted to be safe, she could keep it in her bag and hold the bag in front. As the say goes "Better safe than sorry".

Since Karen's identity card had already been stolen, there is no use crying over split milk. Instead, she should try her best to find back her identity card. Till today, Karen had not found her ID. According to the article, Karen fears that her ID could have been sold to the black market but I still hoped that Karen would not give up in searching for her ID as nothing is impossible. From this incident, I think that Karen should have learn her lesson and will ensure that her belongings or valuable items are properly kept. Police should go on helping Karen to find back her lost card as as long as her ID is not returned to her one day, I believed that she would not be able to live in peace.

As for Maria Nelson, since she was already on probation and had six prior criminal convictions, she should stop committing any more crime. Instead, she should turn over a new leaf and tried to be a good person, contributing to the society. Now, the only way to redeem herself is to stop all her bad doings.

Also, Karen should not follow the suspect, Maria Nelson alone as this is treacherous. What if the suspect is armed and give her a stab? In my opinion, I suggest that Karen should call and wait for the police to arrive. During this period of time, even though the suspect may run away even before the police arrives, Karen should not risked her life in catching the thief.

All in all, our life is much more important than anything else.

Written by:
Lim Pei Xuan
3I (15)
The rise of cyber bullying

What is considered bullying? The definition
goes as a blustering, quarrelsome, overbearing person who habitually badgers and intimidates smaller or weaker people.In this article,we came across severe cases of bullying when bullying took place even without interacting with the bully face to face.Yes,and that is posing a great threat to everyone who communicate online and practically,at anytime. This is known as cyber bullying and more and more students are falling prey to this dangerous threat.

Take an example from this article,Ryan Halligan was mocked by his friends online that he was a gay.How do he feel? Under intense accusations of his friends and the acute pressure he was facing,he decided to escape from the problem by ending his life.In my opinions,he should not end his life. Did he care for his loving parents that mourned for his death? Escaping is not a solution. Victims of these cases should try to talk to someone who had got more experience,like their teachers or even their parents. Most importantly,they got to believe in themselves. why got so bothered by the opinions of others when you know it was not true at all. By reacting to those bullies' remarks,you are falling in their trap. You are actually admitting to their comments and telling them that what they are saying is true, Therefore,individuals must stand by themselves and trust their own character,and not give in easily to some insignificant comments.

On the other hand,we need to understand why did bullies bully? Some may do it as they are victims before. They may start to bully as they wanted to show others that they are not traumatized by their previous incidents and wanted to prove their courage.However,little did they know that they are actually showing others that they are worried and afraid of being inferior to others. Secondly,this may be the lack of care and concern.Parents are working and children may be unhappy that their parents are more devoted in their work,rather in their beloved child. Thus,this caused the child to experience more and more loneness and dissatisfaction,leading to an unbalanced mind. They started bullying,hoping others may notice them and in turn,gave them the care and concern that they are yearning for.Some of them may know that it is wrong to do that,but they continued as they may be addicted to bullying. They wanted to be the center of attention and hence,they enjoyed bullying as days passed,as they had already gained a lot of attention for themselves.

In conclusion,i thought that the most effective way to reduce those cases would be holding more education seminars to help students understand the dangers lurking in cyber bullying.And most importantly,the schools may help the students to achieve a more balanced lifestyle,by balancing the games and work.As the saying goes,all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Hopefully under everyone's cooperation,these cases will greatly reduced.


Saturday, June 14, 2008

Searching For Marita

I am really touched by this article and I could really and truly feel the ultimate love a mother have for her child. Wanting to save her daughter who had been kidnapped and was said to have been forced into prostitution, Susana is prepared to pay any price. She quitted her job as an advisor and crisscrossing the country on crowded buses, looking for answers, she exausted most of her savings and sold almost all of her possessions, she divorce with her husband, she disguise herself as prostitute and venture into seedy bars to gain as much information about Marita as possible. She was willing to lose anything just to find and save her daughter. Her deep mother love for Marita is really irreplaceable. She was not being daunted by threats and other's attempt to kill her and she was not being thrown off-balanced when problems arouse but she continue fighting on, bravely and strongly, and that nothing could make her give up her search for her daughter. She is a mighty mum who put her child above anything else.

From her, we can truely understand all mothers heart and hope for their children. All mothers in the world are the same. They do not mind to sacrifice themselves for their children and they would do their best into nurturing them and giving them the best. In addition. when we are ill ir when we face danger, they would try ways and means to take care of us and make sure that we are save and sound and are not facing any harm. They would protect us with all their mights, but would not ask for anything in return.

Our mother sacrifices her youth and beauty for her child in exchange for a tired and haggard appearance! She never gets angry and differs her child, though he is born crippled or with ugly appearance. With unbounded love and concern, she takes good care of her child throughout the day and night!

Many a times, us children would often forget the hardships and sufferings that our mothers have gone through in bringing up life and taking good care of us. When she offer us advice, we would often argue with her rudely and angrily withourt any respects. We do not care about her feelings and would jus think about how we feel ourselves and not about our poor mother. After our argument with her, she would usually be heratbroken nut she would not blame us. She would just feel angry about herself for not being able to teach her child well and being disappointed at us.

Additionally, I had also learnt to be like Susana who is someone not easily beaten.

Many a times, when we face trouble or when we could not deal with a problem, we would often run away from them and would not dare to face it. Also, when we face failure, we would usually be demoralised and would not dare to try again. However, is running away and being afraid the best way to deal with the problem. Indeed, it is not. We should be brave like Susana who is not frightened to move on and be prepared to face any danger. It is a common belieh that women are weaklings and that they would always be afraid to do anything. However, it is not the case for Susana. In spite of being a small woman, she has a strong fighting spirit which she always have it with her to battle any barriers. And when she could not seems to find her daughter, she persevere continue to keep a glimpse of hope in her and keeps on trying to find news about her daughter's whereabouts.

Through her search for her daughter, Susana had also helped many other teens who were victims of sex trafficking. She provided them with love and care and also medical and psychological treatment, job training and fodd and shelter. Her heart of gold and strong will had saved many young teenage girls to be able to enjoy life once again and not be living in the world of terror and hurt.

I am really had great admiration for Susana and have a high esteem for her. I respected her courage and will and I hope that she will continue to spread her love and help to other victims who are still yet being able to regain their freedom and I hope that she would be able to reunite with her daughter and live a happy and fruitful life. May she be bless!

Jun Min =D

Jump Ordie

Tom Murphy was having his holiday at the French ski resort. It was the last day and he wanted to make the most of it. Tom left his travelling companion sleeping off last night's beer and headed up the mountain alone. He ignored waring notices and ducked under a rope which blocked his way. He knew he was lost when the surroundings looked unfamiliar and there was no on in sight. He realised he was in an avalanche. The avalanche carried himhundreds of yards down. He tried to call for help but there was no signal. He hesitate whether ro jump or die. He had jump twice and was not dead. when he got nearer to the road and his phone hunted for signal. His last message was transmitted to his family. Tom was said to be lucky when he was rescued. He suffered hypothermia and his legs were numb because he had cracked his coccyx.

I think Tom wad impetuous by leaving his friend and headed up the mountain alone. He must be thinking of fun and adventure but did not thought of the dangers he might face alone as nobody knew where he was. It was when he realised he was in dangers, he then thought of his family members. Tom could have died the first time by jumping, but the snow cushioned his fall. He only suffered bruised limbs. The next time, was when he let go of a rope bolted to a rock. This time, his head smacked against a projecting rock, his body bounced off more rocks. He landed hard in snow. Pains shot up his righ tthigh and his legs had no feelings and would not move. His lower back hurt and his head throbbed, blood trickled down his scalp. However, Tom was not dead.

When Tom knew he might die, he tapped a farewell message into his phone. When there was signal, the message was transmitted to his family. Everyone wasworried about him. Luckily, Tom escaped death. Tom should actually check the weather and snow conditions before he set off. If he did, he would not have been injured. I think Tom did the right thing by jumping, instead of waiting for help. Nobody knew where he was and he could not communicate with anyone up in the mountain. If he had stayed and waited, he might have dies. Tom took the risk and jump down, where he could stand a chance to survive. He jump down where there is road, so that he could get help when people notice him. In the end, he got help from his friend. A rescue helicopter homed in on Tom's phone light and lifted him to safety



Tom was trapped on a mountain and he only had two choices : jump and have a shot at survival, or wait for certain death.He was trying to challenge himself and trying to ski from one of Europe’s highest ski runs. However, he got lost and realized he was in an avalanche. He had gone too far, ignoring warning signals, and he could not go back.It was worst when his phone cannot receive any signal and therefore, could not contact his friend and get help. He then decided to continue forward, hoping that he could find help, instead of waiting for others to notice his disappearance and rescue him where chances are little. He had to jump from a great height and eventually, he was bruised and injured. He jumped a great height several times to get help. It is risky and he decided to leave farewell messages in his phone just in case he died while searching for help. He broke his right leg after his several attempts of jumping from heights. Later, he realized his phone had signal again. He then message his friend for help. His friend then informed the police and they conducted a search around the area where Tom had described. Help was later given to Tom and he was brought to safety.


Tom was really lucky. His determination was paid off as in the end, he was rescued by the rescuers. Tom did not give up even though he knew he was going to die if he was given no help by others soon. His chances of survival was minimal but he tried his best to rescue himself from this deadly place. Tom is really brave as he decided to jump down the height even though it was about fifteen feet high. In fifteen minutes, he had descended some 1300 feet, in order to survive. Its really amazing! He even descended a height which is ninety feet high. He did not care about the consequences after jumping from the great height because he knew he had to try. Instead if sitting helplessly for help, he tried to look for help as it is helpless to sit there waiting. He might even die before there is help given to him. Time was important to him and he had to make good use of it. He had to get help before the night falls in as he might freeze to death. His bravery saved him. We should learn from Tom that we must never give up our hopes even though it seems impossible to achieve it. As long as we persevere and try our best, it is possible to attain the goal. It was dangerous for Tom to jump, but I think it was right for him to try jumping the heights to look for help. If he had waited for help, he might not have survived then. I think that he should think twice before challenging himself and ski the highest ski runs as he was not really familiar with the route, which put his life at risk if he went the wrong way and lands up in a unfamiliar place. Tom knew he was in the wrong due to his folly actions and now, he knew how to think before he acts. He now cherishes his life more and he swore never do it again. He had learnt from his mistakes.

The rise of cyber bullying

Contrary to popular belief, bullying does not only exist physically but also emotionally, through the use of words for example. Cyber bullying may be something which parents are oblivious of when their child are using the internet or may even seemed as some oddities and absurdities. Though internet is a means of getting information and spreading messages to others through breakneck speed, but some of us misused this accessibility.

First of all, the reason behind the rise of cyber bullying does not totally lies on the bully himself, but the victim, parents and school as well. Without saying, the bully should not bully others in the first place. His behavior may be due to peer pressure or even out of boredom and fun. However, one man’s meat is another man’s poison; the victim will ultimately get hurt. Some bullies even go to the extend of sending hurtful rumors around anonymously; hence victims do not even know who to point the finger to when reporting to teachers. Teens like us are especially susceptible to peer’s influence; hence cyber-bullying has gradually become a trend and appears to be cool. Bullying can not only be performed alone, but in groups as well. Perhaps bullies like the thrill feeling after bullying which allow them to feel that others are inferior to them.

In my opinion, victims on the other hand should not be submissive and be fearful of the bullies. Instead, they should stay cool, calm and collected; nothing daunted and report the matter to their teacher or talk to their parents about it. True enough, some may afraid that they may be restricted in using the net after attempts to resolve the problem. However, we should be brave and stand forward to defend ourselves with tenacity to disentangle ourselves from all those misery and discomfort. If they do not do so, I guess it will definitely trouble them and one’s heart will not be in studies.

Friends around should not be naïve and believe in rumors and unconvincing messages around. We should judge people with our own eyes and interpretation. After all, we should not give a dog bad name and hang him, should we?

Parents and teachers should give fullest support to the child and refer them to psychiatrist when necessary . However, some parents and teacher will think that the child is trying to make a mountain out of a molehill and thus ignoring him or her. When a child confront his or her parents and teachers regarding the bullying, it may be a signal to them that he or she is in trouble. Hence the matter should be taken into account seriously as inappropriate dealing will have serious results such as an attempt to suicide as mentioned in the article. As we cannot make a omelette without breaking eggs, parents and teachers should take action be fore it’s too late. Parents and teachers should not only impose corporal punishment on bullies but it is rather crucial to change their mentality instead as we may lead a horse to the water but we cannot make him drink.

To solve the problem, it really requires much cooperation from everyone. Since we cannot make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear, teachers and parents should come out with an all rounded plan to deal with these problem. On the other hand, public awareness is extremely importantly, and professional assistance should be given to parents. These inappropriate behavior should be stopped and prevent them from bringing it to the workings society. Otherwise, it will be too late and we shall be responsible for the consequences and impacts they had brought to the society in failing to stop or at least reduce the number of cyber bullying as I believe that this will continue to occur even they enter the working society.

Lets wish that as we give a theif enough rope, he will hang himself.
Article: Running for his life

As the saying goes, " life is never a bed of roses", especially for the boy by the name of Ryan. At the age of about five or six, symptoms of dystonia, a rare condition similar to Parkinson's disease, started showing. It is a condition whereby the patient will experience pain attacks, an incurable callous malady. Ryan's dystonia was severe. It affected much of his body, including his left leg, back, hands and even his face. Sadly, he did not get better as he grows but worsened. He would get pain attacks ever so frequently that he had to be dropped out of school and his own permanent bed in Walsall's Manor Hospital. Moreover, the spasms he experienced cost him not only his carefree childhood but his ability to lead a normal life as well. Sometimes, his jaw would lock that he could barely speak nor could he tie his own shoes or grip a knife and forks well enough to cut his food. Nevertheless, he did not give up. The only way to free him of his misery is to eject a painkiller into his spine, though that would cause him his use of legs, he refused the treatment, refusing to be a cripple. After leading years in vain, he found his passion in running, showing not only himself the miracle but to many others as well.

Having read his story, I feel very galvanized and amazed by his determination. Despite all the obstacles he faced, he persevered on with life, even wining many awards with his passion, making his family proud and honored. Ryan inspired me not only with his determination but his belief in life as well. I agree, life is short and every one should live their life to the fullest so as to not regret in the future. Life is fragile, who knows, one day one may be healthy and jumping about while the next day, one may be down on a sick bay, never to open his eyes again. Anyhow, one should never take health for granted, in fact, nothing should be taken for granted, be it friends or family so we should learn to treasure them. At the same time, I respect Ryan for his qualities he possesses and his tenacity of no losing his legs to the cruel illness. Truthfully speaking, if i were him, i would not have been able to resist the temptation of freeing myself from the horrible disease but thankfully, i am not him. Nevertheless, Ryan is one strong boy. However, i believe that he has his times of weakness too, just like a normal human. If he can do it, everybody can do it as well. I sincerely believe in that.

In summary, life is short, treasure it and there is nothing more important than health. I also hope that one day, if the medical science is advance enough, there will be a cure for Ryan.

-lay wen-
The rise of cyber bullying
(Article taken from Reader’s Digest May08 Pg 115-119)

As years passed, technology is getting more and more advanced. Just like the advanced technology, bullying had been improved to cyber bullying. Cyber bullying can cause a lot of people to suicide, not only teenagers even adults are victims of cyber bullying. These cyber bullying uses computers to target their victims. As nowadays most of the people own at least one computer, the percentage of being a victim of cyber bullying is very high. I personally think that one should not believe anything what the cyber bullies said.

I think that the problem that makes cyber bully targets one is that people tends to spend lots of time on chat room. They often chat with people whose identity was unknown, thus making the percentage of being a victim a lot higher. Furthermore, nowadays people cannot cope with their work or studies without computer, adding on to the percentage.
After reading the article, I really felt sorry for the people that are mention in the article. They should not have believed in the words that the cyber bullies said. According to the article, a research had shown that one in every eight young people think that cyber bullying is even worse than physical bullying. In my opinion, I think that the other reason why people get targeted easier is because when people become victims, they will feel scared and didn’t dare to admit that they were bullied, thus being bullied continuously pushing them nearer and nearer to the edge of death, resulting in more innocent death. In order to stop this kind of innocent death, the people should not chat with people whom you are not sure of their identity and their personality. In addition, I think that there should be a brief lesson on how to tackle cyber bullying for everyone, especially young people like primary and secondary students


A Peek into the Story:
This inspiring article is about a young man suffering from a rare condition known as dystonia and his breakthrough. Ryan Farrington, 16, has been enduring the excruciating pain of dystonia since he was a mere 6-year old. Sudden fits would arrive without the slightest notice and this disabled Ryan's nerves, crippling him and causing him to scream in agony. Despite all the difficulties he had gone through, Ryan still persevered and together with his family's encouragement, he held on to hope. Finally, through all the pain and suffering, he has found a certain cure to relieve his disease, Running. Ryan now runs as an athlete at the famed Birmingham athletics club Birchfield Harriers.

My views:
After having read this tale about this young man's courage and perseverance throughout his entire suffering, i felt very inspired. From the age of six, ryan has been tortured by this particular disease and he has been enduring this for about 10 years now. I feel that no matter what kind of difficulties a person goes through, a family's support should always be present as that, in my opinion is the stepping stone to finding a cure. Amongst those suffering with illnesses, i feel that Ryan's tale is one of those rare ones that shows people's breakthrough amidst all their setbacks. It is uncommon that at such a young age, suffering from a disease that a person would show such perseverance and possess such a burning spirit like ryan. This article also tells us one thing and that is not everyone is fortunate. As students, we should be appeased by what we have and not wanting for more. We should not take for granted what we have and treasure what we possess. We should set people like Ryan as role models so that we can improve on ourselves. To conclude, i feel that people should treasure the good things that they have in life, especially their family and that they should possess a never-say-die attitude to what they would wish to strive for.

Carbon Offsetting: The Myths, The Truth

Global warming, conserving the environment, carbon emission. These vocabularies have become the latest ‘it’ thing in not just Singapore, but everywhere else in the world over the last decade as global warming and its effect struck mankind unbridledly.

With people conducting an inadvertent global experiment by changing the face of the entire planet, the earth’s climate has changed due to these human activities as we have altered the chemical composition of the atmosphere through the build up of greenhouse gases, primarily, carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. This alteration is the fountainhead of the multitudinous predicaments that will begin to arise in the forthcoming decades.

There are legions of online offset conglomerate (just to name a few,, on the internet that we could disburse for them to help us plant trees. For example, at, we can compute our quota of carbon footprint and offset our carbon emission by planting a tree in UK or Kenya.   

Carbon offsetting maybe one of the superlative approach to diminish carbon emission, as forests are noted as the 'Green Lungs of the Earth', nonetheless the skepticism is, how many people will ungrudgingly minimise their lifestyle’s detrimental impact on the biosphere by furnishing finances to plant trees? The dubiousness is further amplified when official offsets, sanctioned under the Kyoto Protocol, controlled by tight rules and a complex bureaucracy, allow governments and companies to earn carbon credits that can be traded, is not bringing down carbon emission as effectual as designated in the Protocol. 

Apostles of the Kyoto Protocol assert that reducing these hazardous outpourings is of paramount significance, as carbon dioxide is 'producer' of the earth's atmosphere's heat up. When there is subscribe to the Protocol, there will also be antipathy coming in its way. To my way of thinking, I am of the opinion that, the Protocol is inadequate in axing greenhouse emissions. In particular, Niue Fekai added notes to this effect when signing the Protocol, “In this regard, the Government of Niue further declares that, in light of the best available scientific information and assessment of climate change and impacts, it considers the emissions reduction obligations in Article 3 of the Kyoto Protocol to be inadequate to prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system.”

The rationale to blame for why the Protocol has not reached its maximum beneficial because, the standards of the Protocol, like Al Gore's call for a reduction in emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are 'big' propositions that needed the 'big' wherewithal. Regrettably, no country is willing to expend when the Protocol is said as a proposal to either slow the development of the world's industrial democracies or to transfer wealth to the third world as a global socialism initiative. 

In addition, like many I see the costs of the Kyoto Protocol as outweighing its boons, and the criterions which the Protocol sets to be too optimistic, or even highly inequitable and inefficient agreement which would do little to lessen greenhouse gas emissions. The speed at which countries are curbing carbon emission is too protracted, and the standards of the Protocol has set will not be match up to in the coming times as many developed and developing countries are take greater interest in their economic growths.

Carbon offsetting just makes us less wrongdoing by ‘reducing’ our carbon emission when we plant tree to absorb them in during photosynthesis. Hence, the war against global warming is totally purposeless when we do not change our lifestyle.

In conclusion, our only pipe dream is a radical technology breakthrough. 


Friday, June 13, 2008

The Rise Of Cyber Bullying

After reading the article, I feel sorry for both Ryan and Gail, who were both victims of cyber bullying. Although their deaths, which were indirectly caused by cyber bullying, are considered extreme, I fear that if something is not done, these cases might not be uncommon in the near future. With the advancement of technology, computers are becoming relatively cheaper and easier to get hold of. In countries like Singapore, where almost every household have access to technology and the internet, cyber bullying is becoming more and more prevalent.

The problem of cyber bullying, I feel, comes from the online multiplayer games which children and more teenagers play all the time. They find themselves unable to work with one another, quarrel, and they sometimes go to the extent of sending vulgar messages to each other. This is a mild form of cyber bullying. They find that they are able to vent their anger on the people there and soon, they become more and more daring. They send offensive messages, often vulgar, to the people they dislike in school. They are now bullies. How do we solve the problem then? Parents try taking away computers, preventing them from playing these games. No quarrels, no cyber bullying. However, this might not work in the long run. Children, especially teenagers, cannot live without their gadgets and confiscating their computers does not ensure that they will stay away from computers a hundred percent. Therefore, I feel that the best solution is to educate the children about the dangers of cyber bullying and make sure that they put themselves in the victim's shoes. Maybe then, they would not have the idea of bullying someone through the internet.

Another point, which I agree with the author, is that cyber bullying is indeed relentless. School bullies stop as soon as the school day ends, but cyber bullying is never ending as the bullies are able to post offensive material through the internet. This internet never shuts down and the bullies are able to have excess to the internet almost 24/7. A bigger problem is that the identities of bullies are almost impossible to find out. The internet allows its users to remain anonymous and lets bullies get away easily. This can slow down investigations. Also, this leads the bullies to feel that cyber bullying is a "safe" way of bullying. This can also attract more people to go into cyber bullying.Therefore, more and more people are attracted to cyber bullying as they have the choice of being anonymous and hence feel they are safe.

In conclusion, the best way, I feel, to prevent cyber bullying and to stop the problem is to educate the children and teenagers engaged this act. Only by this way, the bullies are further discouraged from conducting in the act of cyber bullying.

The rise of cyber bullying

We all have been through this.Nowadays,bullying is getting more and more common.It is becoming a part of our everyday lives.When we were young,maybe when we were in primary school,we would get bullied by the older students.This usually take place at the playground or even places that we thought no bullies would figure out,for instance,the toilet.However,school-yard bullying has taken to the next level.Now,bullies can make use of the advanced technology to prey on their victims.First,why would anyone want to be a bully?

The question can be answered with many perspectives.People want to become bullies because they think that its fun,they learn it from others,they had been victims themselves,or they may have problems at home.People think that it is a trend now,everybody is doing it,and it sounds like fun.They may also have the idea that if my friends are doing it,why shouldn't I?This idea may be develop when they think that if they do not do it,their friends will not like them.Some of the bullies are victims themselves.They might have been bullied by others when they were young.They would start to develop the thought of seeking revenge.When they think the time is ripe,they would take action and use the same ways to bully others.Some becam bullies because they have problems at home.Parents quarrelling,fighting,being abused by their parents,getting scolded by them,all of these can lead to the child to vent his anger on others by bullying them.Some may even become bullies unintentionally.When they said something about one person,you may think that you are not insulting him but in fact you are.He may think that you are insulting him.Thus,bullying can be done in different ways,physically and mentally.However,bullying is no longer physical.

With cases about bullies being dealt with by the law,as it is getting out of hand,some bullies turn to the technology.The technology getting advanced.Handphones and computers are gradually becoming our daily necessities.People tend to go online and chat with peers to find out what is new and get to know each other better.Bullies come in.The technology turns out to be quite an advantage to them.The internet is open to anyone.Blogs,emails,msn,websites are available to anyone.Bullies use these to their advantage.Thet post comments on someone on the blog,send emails,and even talk to someone on msn,usually things that hurt the other.They may say that they are fat,stupid,no one likes them,anything that hurts.Why cyber bullying?

One reason is the number of people who can view anything posted online.One can easily surf a website and read about comments the bullies post.This is what the bullies wanted.They wanted everyone to see what they did and embarrass the victims.Another reason is the ability to become anonymous.When one is anonymous,people will not know who you are and you are free to write anything your heart desires.Another reason is that the web is available all the time,so people can go online to look at the job they did.The bullies never thought of the consequences which may surface.

The victim may suffer from emotional setbacks thinking that they are really what the bullies said,they are fat,stupid.This in turn will result in depression,which will lead to committing suicide.Many reports said that teenagers committing suicides are increasing in number,due to cyber bullying.Students,adults and even celebrities commit suicide due to cyber bullying.What can we do to help those who are victims and stop this act?

Students can ignore this situation if they ever past one.They can also encourage those who are victims to be strong.Teachers can listen to the victims and provide the necessary advice.The most important part is family.The family members can encourage and advise the victims to ignore and be strong.The government has also taken action by having school counsellors to help those who are being bullied.The bullies also have to be dealt severely for their work.The most important part is the victim,whether they can pull through this crisis,it is up to them.

Thus,I think that cyber bullying is getting more and more common and it is up to us to help those who are victims.

CARBON OFFSETTING the myths, the truths

Can giving money to plant trees far away really make up for your lifestyles environmental impact? the answer to that is a big maybe. Offsetting can be described like this, you release a certain amount of carbon emission each day, from driving the car to leaving the lights on when not in use, to make up for this you calculate the number of trees needed to soak up the greenhouse gases you have released and then you pay someone to plant that number of trees for you. This is a rough example of offsetting. Official off setting is sanctioned under the Kyoto Protocol, this is controlled by a very strict set of rules and a complex bureaucracy, which allows governments and companies to earn carbon credits that can be traded. But now there is an unofficial way of offsetting, where you have groups of voluntary profit-making bodies that charge a fee to organise offsets on behalf of anyone. This business has developed from 3 million tons in 2004 to 20 to 50 million tons last year. To be free of your guilt of polluting the environment you can simply go online calculate your total carbon emission and then free yourself from guilt with just a click on the mouse. But this may have little credibility as the companies do not state where this money is used or what criteria they use to select the reductions they sell. Due to this lack of transparency we would not know exactly whether or not our money is really doing what the company claims.

I personally feel that this unofficial selling of offsets is nothing more than a gimmick that plays on the fears of the common people to buy "offsets" to make up for the harm they have done to the environment. the only thing we can actually do for the environmentis to save electricity and other resources whenever possible and leave off setting to the governments.
Title of article: The Perks of Service
Author: Lynn Rosellini
Article obtained from: Reader’s Digest May 2008 issue, Page 19-21

About this article

In the eleven years since its founding, Jason Araghi’s Green Beans Coffee Worldcafé company has overcome daunting obstacles such as suicide bombers, hijackers, snipers, just so it can offer lattes and mochas to the US soldiers serving in the Middle East and Central Asia.

Araghi began his career as a chiropractor. Once, a Saudi princess visited his clinic in Saudi Arabia and offered him an intriguing opportunity to open an American-style coffee café in a furniture showroom she owned. He enlisted the help of his brother, Jon Araghi. Together, they started selling coffee to Riyadh locals. Soon, American military personnel were flocking in. Within months, their commander asked the Araghis to build a coffee house right on the base.

Because of the shifting troop deployments, their café have to be mobile and innovative. They took shipping containers that were twelve metres long and two and a half metres wide and converted them into fully furnished cafes with wood cabinets and marble counters. Then they put them on the back of a truck and transported them. The cafés made a difference in the overall quality of life of the soldiers.

During the 911, Green Beans café was serving coffee in war zones. It was risky and dangerous but the Araghis insisted to follow the American troop. Jason Araghi said that he could not say that he would go to the safe places and not where it is dangerous. The logistics of shipping supplies into a war zone were nightmarish, not to mention costly. If the containers arrived, they are often riddled with bullet holes. Hijackers would also nab their containers, carrying merchandise worth up to $110,000. The worst thing is that there are no insurance and that there were personal dangers too, resulting in some of the staffs wearing body amours and helmets.

Now, the Araghis have a thriving $20.8 million business with a total of sixty-eight Green Bean cafés, all on or near military bases.


To start off, I would like to comment on Jason Araghi’s bravery. I believe that in this world, not many people would be willing to take on the risk to start a business in or near war zones. Many would already be frightened to death just by thinking of the word war. Bombs, explosions, collapsing of buildings, severe destructions and bloodshed are inevitable in war zones. This is what I admire about Jason. He is willing to risk his life for a simple reason that he felt the soldiers would need a place to unwind, to hang out with their fellow mates and have a cup of coffee or two. He did this all for the sake of the soldiers out there in the war. Although he was afraid of losing his life any moment and to bid farewell to his wife and children, he still opened a café to serve the soldiers despite the dangers. In my perspective, if Jason did not operate the Green Bean café in the war zones, no one else would do so and the pathetic soldiers would thus be unable to enjoy such comfort. Taking the risk just to serve the soldiers is definitely a brave act. He knew he could lose his life any moment but yet, he refuse to give this business up just so that he could serve coffee to the soldiers. I think the soldiers should greatly express their gratitude to Jason. If not for him, I doubt that they would be able to have such magnificent place to hang out in.

From the article, I knew that he had done this through his own initiative. He could have refuse setting up his business in war zones because nobody was forcing him to do so, nobody was pointing a knife at him so that he would agree. He could continue to sell coffee in the showroom if he was unwilling to take on the risk or even continue in his old career as a chiropractor. The American military commander had allowed him to choose whether he wanted to be involved in this business and so it was his own choice of doing so. It was all because of his willingness and initiative. Since he had accepted the commander’s request, it indicates that he was willing to take on the risk. He felt that it was his responsibility to serve coffee to his customers. Besides he had promised the American military commander that he would set up a coffee house right on the base as it was in the agreement. Thus, I can conclude that he was a man of responsibilities because since he had agreed to sell coffee to the soldiers, he had fulfilled his responsibility by following the soldiers that are heading towards the war zone and continue to provide coffee for them, risking his vulnerable life. He was indeed a responsible person, when he was told to do something, not only would he manage to accomplish the task, he would also complete it wholeheartedly.

Jason is definitely an innovative person. I think that it was creative to use shipping containers for the café. I believe that he would not need to spend much or even any money on them since I think it should be easy to obtain some unwanted or abandoned containers at the various ports and harbours. This would definitely be beneficial to him since he is a little tight where money is being concerned. Not only would the café be unique, it would be easily recognised by the soldiers too. In this way, the soldiers would definitely remember his café even after their first visit. These could clearly show that he do rack his brains and was a talent in the business industries where moneymaking and profit is an important factor. This could also ensure that his customers are able to recognise his café and would make subsequent visits so as to ensure his business would thrive. Although profit was not that important to Jason, I believe that he do not wish to end his business due to bankruptcy. Since serving coffee is his passion, I am certain that he would wish to carry on with this line for his entire life.

In my perspective, Jason is an extremely thoughtful person. Knowing that the soldiers do not make much money, he decided to sell his coffee at a reasonable price so that all soldiers could afford some coffee. Only a handful of people would be as considerate as Jason because most people are actually being conquered by their own greed. Most businessmen would only consider their profits and not about the peoples’ financial problems. To me there is only a word to describe them, which is heartless. Jason also thought little for himself since he has a family to feed but he actually put the soldiers problems into consideration first. Thus we could also see that he is not selfish in any ways. He thinks about others first. Although Jason’s coffee is considered cheap, his business seems to be in a brisk and he earns quite a lot. I think this is because his coffee are not costly but tastes superb and is worth the money. With this, the soldiers would continue to patronise his café and order cups after cups of coffee. Thus, in the long run a little profit would accumulate to a great amount of profit. The great amount of cafés worldwide is also a factor. Jason is also sincere about selling coffee to the soldiers. This can be seen in the way he renovates his café. The type of materials he uses in his café cost quite a bomb since he has quite a number of cafés that are open for business. This shows that he was trying his best to make his café look as grand as possible although it was nowhere near a high-class café. I think he must have felt that it was only right to furnish the café beautifully even though his coffee was cheap. It might be due to the renovations of the café that the soldiers took the liking to hang out there and take a sip of coffee, thus adding on to his profits.

From this article, there are many values that we could learn from him, such as bravery, commitment, innovative and so on and so forth. Thus I hope that the people out there would treat him as a role model and to learn all these values from him. No words could describe his contributions towards the society, as his sacrifices are much more than anyone could imagine. I hope that God would bless him to be safe while continuing to serve coffee to the soldiers in war zones.

Denyse Tang (25)

'Jump Or Die'

Decisions, can be minor like buying a set lunch or as significant as voting for your president. By definition, the word means a choice or judgement that one makes after a period of discussion or thought. And it always involves a struggle in our inner selves.

From the article, Murray had in mind already, to leave the marked route and was determined to go off-piste. I surmised that his primitive self would have warned him of the risk he was going to face. But the sports all-rounder he himself, must have been self-assertive, thinking that he could “trash” this mountain just like all his other past adventure. He probably went up the mountain with ostentation in his heart.

In my opinion, doing something you know is dangerous and should not be doing is an act of foolishness. I am not saying that jumping down a cliff for a chance of survival is absurd. Instead, I feel that Murray’s first intention to step into the unmarked route was the root of this peril. Sometimes in life, we face crossroads where we are stuck between taking the morally right turn or the selfishly desired turns. So I extrapolate that at the point, Murray have succumbed to temptation and chose the route that almost took his life.

Although to err is human, we should never neglect thinking twice before we act. It is better to sacrifice our wants than to be guilt-ridden for the rest of our lives and avert the consequences of our moments of folly. On the other hand, there are people who are well aware of the disastrous consequences yet they chose to stick with their choice. These are the diehard people in life. Diehard people always choose to take what many calls the “hard way”, where they taste the austerity instead of avoiding it. Just like Murray, since his close shave with death, I think now he cherishes his life more than he did in the past. And will abstain from activities that will risk his life again. For I know, he had really got the meaning of,“ Once bitten, twice shy.”